Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP) Federal Project Management Unit (FMPU)
Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP) Federal Project Management Unit (FMPU)
The project, known as the Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP 2), is a six-year initiative by the World Bank focusing on the rehabilitation of rural roads in Nigeria. It aims to enhance rural infrastructure by improving road conditions and increasing accessibility. Additionally, RAMP 2 emphasizes capacity building for institutions responsible for rural transport infrastructure and the development of a comprehensive policy framework for effective road management and maintenance in five specific Nigerian states: Adamawa, Enugu, Niger, Osun, and Imo. The project involves stakeholder engagement, consultancy, and a strategic approach to ensure sustainable improvements in rural road infrastructure.
The Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP 2) is a six-year World Bank project focused on the rehabilitation of rural roads and associated capacity building of institutions mandated to provide and maintain rural transport infrastructure. The Project Development Objectives include increasing the share of the population with access to an all-season road, increasing the share of the total classified roads in good and fair condition and increase the number of roads receiving adequate levels of maintenance.
RAMP 2 acknowledged the need to transform the management of rural roads at the State level into modern and efficient state entities that provide, manage and maintain rural road infrastructure. In addition, to promote smooth transition and project sustainability, the integration of the SPIUs within the state organs mandated to manage and maintain rural roads is expected. To this end, the FPMU commissioned the consultancy project entitled ‘Rural Road Sector Reviews of Five States in Nigeria and Development of a State Policy Framework for Rural Roads Management and Finance’. The focus of the project is on the following five states:
The overall objective of this assignment is to evolve a policy framework and broad strategy for improving the management and in particular maintenance of rural roads in each of the five States. The project requires the team to gain an understanding of the current situation with regards to road maintenance and financing in each of the 5 states and engage with all relevant stakeholders. Options for improving the current situation will then be presented to the states via workshops. This project is being carried out in a way that involves the stakeholders and includes (among others) sustainable resource mobilisation and transparent financial management.